Let everyone know you are attending OHW 2025

100 years in the making!

OHW 2025 – I will be attending

FYI: Some of these posted messages may be used on facebook or Instagram to entice others to leave a “I will be attending”  message.

Latest confirmation messages for Old Home Week 2025.

“I am very excited to be able to attend Old Home Week 2025. I have lived away from the area (Alberta) for 38 years and most recently have returned to be able to live closer to my siblings and Ontario family. I have very fond memories of growing up in Smiths Falls and am looking forward to reuniting with some great people I have not seen in a very long time. Let the fun begin!!” – Lorelei Sawatzky (Donaldson)  from Perth Ontario  (Confirmed: September 18, 2024 )

“Hopefully same as last time, Doug Walker and I will be at the Center court of the High school. We are tall and friendly!” – Keith Dingle Davis  from Alderville First Nation (Confirmed: September 17, 2024 )

“I remember the last Old Home week and how much fun it was. I can’t wait to partake in this one.!” – Tami (Sandor) Yeo from Smiths Falls (Confirmed: September 12, 2024 )

“Can’t wait for the week long party!” – Steve & Sheila (Meagher) McKenney from Smiths Falls (Confirmed: September 9, 2024 )

“Let’s celebrate” – Marion Gaensler from Smiths Falls (Confirmed: September 2, 2024 )

“Very excited about Old Home Week 2025!  We are planning a class of 1972 St. Francis de Sales Grade 9 High School reunion sometime during the week!  While our plans are just in the early stages, we would ask any teachers or students to feel free to reach out to our email address . See you in 2025!” –   Rob & Mary Lynn Dales.  Smiths Falls.  (Confirmed: August 6, 2024 )

I cannot commit to volunteering but if any assistance is needed with a task or two, please reach out. –  Mary Remmig  Smiths Falls.  (Confirmed: August 6, 2024 )

I always love coming back to Smiths Falls. Even though it’s changed so much I have fond memories of growing up here. No matter where I roam Smiths Falls is always home.” –   Darlene Marshall-Brown  from Clark’s Harbour NS.,  Will be home August 1, 2025.  (Confirmed: August 6, 2024 )

Can’t wait to see everyone!! –  Angela Webster   Will be home August 1, 2025  (Confirmed: August 6, 2024 )

We want to share that you are attending Old Home Week 2025

Let’s make your presence known to friends and family worldwide so they know you are planning to be there!

Coming home form
Include email with this post so people can email you?

The Flag In Front of the Hall

As we stood in front of the old Town Hall.
All eyes gazed upward at something small.
From out of the blue sky three men came.
One bearing a flag with Smiths Falls name.

The mayor and hundreds of people stood around.
As these three parachutes drifted down.
The flag to the top of the pole was raised.
We would hold a party for ten long days.

To the town every one was invited to come.
For its birthday the hundred and fiftieth one
About forty thousand people came by.
Including a man called Colonel By.

They came by bus, by car and train.
They came by horse, by boat and plane,
They came by ship and motor bike and I’m sure a lot did hike.

They laughed, they danced, they sang and played.
Dressed up in costumes and went on parade. 
For ten long days they had a ball.
Then down came the flag in front of the hall.

Marion Harrison, 1976 OHW



Are you ready to join us in the excitement of Old Home Week 2025 in Smiths Falls?

Let’s make your presence known to friends and family worldwide by letting them know you are attending.

Take some time to fill in the above form and you will be included on this page, where you can share your hometown, school memories, and anticipation for Smiths Falls OHW 2025. Share your life’s journey and create lasting connections as we celebrate together!

Some Inspiration:

We hope you are inspired as we delve into the following  “I’ll be There” pages from the 2000 Old Home Week website. Residents, past and present, shared personal insights about the town, the OHW event, life growing up, and the unforgettable memories made here. Let the following samples of 2000 messages ignite your own passion for building out the  “2025 I will be attending” page.

We look  forward to your confirmation that you are planning to attend!

Excerpts from OHW 2000 “I’ll be there pages”

These are just a small random sample of the many OHW 2000 messages received (Pre Social Media Platform existence):

I have been back in Smiths Falls since 1989 after a few years in Ottawa and a few years in Toronto before that. Who would have thought I would marry a local boy (Peter Donnelly) who went through school with my older sister Wendy?  We have two boys, Morgan, 8, and Shannon, 5. We live outside of Smiths Falls and as fast as I wanted to leave this town as a teenager, I wanted to come back just as fast to raise my family here. Peter had such a great time at the last SFDCI reunion (1976) so we will be attending this one for sure. I would love to see some of the people I went to school with at SFDCI and St. Francis. Peter would love to run into Randy Street, Lorne Finn, and any of the guys/girls who hung around his place on Cornelia St. Peter’s sisters Jane, Marlane and Fran will be here for some of Old Home Week. They are all in Vancouver and we have sent them the program and CD. It would be great to meet up with any of the rowdies from our past.  We will be attending as much of the festivities as we can, so we hope to see you there!!! Just remember, we will not be so young and spry at the next OHW in 2025, so take advantage of as much as you can!! ENJOY!!! Christa Dales Donnelly & Peter Donnelly. (Confirmed 07/17/00)

As we approach final days to the start of the biggest celebration in the Town of Smiths Falls I wish to confirm my attendance for the Old Home Week 2000 event.  During the celebrations I look forward to seeing former school friends from Elgin School (1950s) and at SFDCI from my grade 13 graduation year in 1965.  The Old Home Week Committee have prepared an excellent offering of programs and activities for all and their work is to be commended. See you soon. Dennis Staples  (Confirmed 07/17/00)

Finally booked our flights today, will arrive on Sat. July 22. We are looking forward to meeting up with as many old friends as possible, are you still there Rad, Nert, Hurricane, Rab or Warren? Leave message with Gord McCaffrey and we can try to get together during OHW. Great to hear from several people from SFDCI day’s, it seems like just a few years ago instead of 30.
There are quite a few people from Smith’s Falls out west and everyone I talk to knows about OHW so hopefully, we can all meet “back home”.
See you there.” Ernie, Darlene, Chris & Kailey Bray Edmonton, Alberta (Confirmed 07/06/00)

Looking back, most of my fondest memories are back on the streets of Smiths Falls. When they talk about ‘Little America’ boy someone should have written a book about Smiths Falls. The triangle Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal. What were your thoughts about SFCDI and who held the record for circling the block in your car around the school at lunch time? How may hamburgers and fries did you eat at The Cosey House and if you were rich you ordered a coke? SF’s invented the word HANGING OUT. How many times did you say and point the word PEACE. How many went to the Burg and made it back in total denial to their parents that they would never be caught dead there? The park plane now there is an icon.. The Bears – talk about blood and glory. Halloween was when the kids went in about six and the teenagers took over the streets until
midnight. Remember the broken eggs, quick drying cement and peanut butter in your hair.  Rideau Ferry Inn – THE Best in music and dancing – not to say that the school gymnasium didn’t host a wide range of talent. I am sure the Record News
had one up on THE ENQUIRER. Ultimately, the road out of town held its best memories for everyone. I would love to go back and look through the crowds in hope of finding a familiar smile, and who knows maybe the peace sign is still alive. Would love to hear from you . Judy Kudzia (Lillie) (Confirmed 05/16/00)

I was born in Smiths Falls in 1961 and I graduated from SFDCI in 1979. I moved from Condie Street, Smiths Falls and went all the way
over to the other side of town to Jessie Street. Can’t wait to see everyone and catch up on everything. (Please tell my daughter that I passed Math.)”
Kathy Botham (Confirmed 04/05/00)

I grew up at the corner of Main and Beckwith. No, not the Russell, eh. My family tree goes way back to the building of the Rideau Canal. My great- grandfather owned Aaron Hall, later became the Dominion Store, now a federal building. My father was on the town council for 12 years. I have two sisters, Liz and Patty. My mother after years of living in smiths Falls, most recently on Pearl Street, has now moved to Kanata. Who am I? Margaret Coombs Cherry. I was there for the 1950 celebration, missed the 1975, as I was living down under in Sydney, mate. I am planning on being back in Smiths Falls this summer.
Talk to me. Margaret Coombs Cherry,Southern California, Long Beach (Confirmed 03/14/00)

I have not been in Smiths Falls for over 25 years. I grew up there as a little child and graduated from SFDCI. I was also a member of the Lamplighters and even did a time in the Canadian Navy as a trumpet player. I worked for the OPP in Perth District headquarters and then for the Metro Toronto Police. I was a stockbroker during the late 70’s and early 80’s in both the USA and Canada. In the mid 80’s I went to Graduate School in Toronto and now Pastor a Church in Sarasota Florida. My Father and Mother are both buried in Smiths Falls and I have many memories there. There are many people I wonder about and I am considering coming next summer. I want to hear from anyone who might remember me.”Carl Dixon. Sarasota Florida (Confirmed 11/11/99)

“We’ll be there” Jean & Shirley McKeown Jean now lives in W. Vancouver, and her married name is Mrs. Jean Reid, and Shirley lives in Ottawa, and her married name is Shirley MacNeill. (Confirmed 11/4/99)

I will be home for OLD HOME WEEK, and also to take part in The O.Y.B. Lampliters Drum Corps 45th year Reunion. It is being planed to take place during Y2000 Old Home Week Events.
Hoping to see old school mates and Band Members, I’ll be on parade carrying the large pair of cymbals for one more time, if I am up to the task. See you soon.  Don Foley. Toronto, Ont.(Confirmed 10/31/99)

How great of you to celebrate my Dad’s (Enoch Kerr) 80th birthday (August 6) in such a big way! I’ll be home and I believe my sisters, Kathy (Kerr) 
Cooper & Susan (Kerr) Thomason will too.
I graduated from SFDCI in ’67 Sharon Kerr (Confirmed 08/23/99)

I wouldn’t miss Old Home Week 2000 for anything.” “Thanks for the info”. Beverley Randall, Las Vegas, (Confirmed 08/11/99)

“Born during OHW ’76 on July the 9th. My birth announcement in the Record news said I would be back for upcoming Old Home Week in 2000.”
Sarah Johnston. I live in Atlanta GA. (Confirmed 07/01/99)

Co Chair of Old Home Week Christa Dales Donnelly mailing postcards

Mail a OHW 2025 Postcard and bring them home!

Smiths Falls Old Home Week Co-Chair Christa Dales Donnelly mailing off some Old Home Week postcards to invite family and friends to join in the OHW 2025 festivities.

NEW – try our electronic verson of our Postcard 

You now have another option to invite people home – try the electronic version of the Old Home Week postcard.

Why not send one today?

Thanks to our Partners & Sponsors

Old Home Week partner Rideau Home Hardware
Logo Smiths Falls Ontario Canada
Denoco Energy Systems Inc
Old Home Week partner Smiths Falls Hyundai
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